Tuesday, 25 March 2014

LR Functions in Load runner with Examples.

LR Functions in Loadrunner with Examples.

lr_abortStops the script execution.
lr_advance_paramIt will take the next value in the parameter list.
lr_continue_on_errorContinue on error even if the request is failed.
lr_convert_string_encodingConverts a string to a UTF 8 or Unicode.
lr_db_dataset_actionValidates database contents by setting checkpoints.
lr_db_connectConnects to a database.
lr_db_dataset_actionPerforms an action on a dataset.
lr_db_disconnectDisconnects from a database.
lr_db_executeSQLStatementSubmits an SQL statement to a database.
lr_checkpointValidates the value of a parameter against an expected value (checkpoint).
lr_db_getValueRetrieves a value from a dataset.
lr_debug_messageSends a debug message to the LoadRunner output or Application Management agent log file.
lr_decryptDecrypts an encoded string.
lr_disable_ip_spoofingDisables IP Spoofing.
lr_enable_ip_spoofingEnables IP Spoofing.
lr_end_sub_transactionMarks the end of a sub-transaction.
lr_end_transactionMarks the end of a LoadRunner transaction.
lr_end_transaction_instanceMarks the end of a transaction instance.
lr_end_timerMarks the end of a sub-transaction.
lr_error_messageSends an error message to theLoadRunner output or Application Management agent log file..
lr_eval_stringReplaces a parameter with its current value.
lr_eval_string_extCreates a buffer and assigns it the input string after evaluating embedded parameters.
lr_eval_string_ext_freeFrees the buffer allocated by lr_eval_string_ext.
lr_exitExits from the script, action, or iteration.
lr_fail_trans_with_errorSets the status of open transactions to LR_FAIL and sends an error message.
lr_get_attrib_doubleReturns the value of a double type command line parameter.
lr_get_attrib_longReturns the value of a long integer type command line parameter.
lr_get_attrib_stringReturns a command line parameter string.
lr_get_debug_messageReturns the current message logging settings.
lr_get_host_nameReturns the name of the host executing the script.
lr_get_master_host_nameReturns the name of the machine running the LoadRunner Controller.
lr_get_transaction_durationGets the duration of a transaction by its name.
lr_get_transaction_statusGets the current status of a transaction.
lr_get_trans_instance_durationReturns the duration of a transaction by its name.
lr_get_trans_instance_statusReturns the current status of a transaction instance.
lr_get_trans_instance_think_timeGets the think time of a transaction instance specified by its handle.
lr_get_trans_instance_wasted_timeGets the wasted time of a transaction instance by its handle.
lr_get_transaction_think_timeGets the think time of a transaction by its name.
lr_get_transaction_wasted_timeGets the wasted time of a LaoadRunner transaction by its name.
lr_get_vuser_ipReturns the IP address of the current Vuser. Not applicable for products that do not run Vusers.
lr_load_dllLoads an external DLL.
lr_log_messageSends a message to the Vuser log file.
lr_messageSends a message to the output and log file.
lr_output_messageSends a message to the output and log file with location information.
lr_next_rowAdvances to the next row in the parameter data file.
lr_param_incrementIncrements the value of a numerical parameter
lr_param_sprintfWrites formatted output to a parameter.
lr_param_uniqueGenerates a unique string and assigns it to a parameter.
lr_paramarr_idxReturns the value of the parameter at a specified location in a parameter array.
lr_paramarr_lenReturns the number of elements in a parameter array.
lr_paramarr_randomReturns the value of the parameter at a random location in a parameter array
lr_peek_eventsChecks for events.
lr_rendezvousCreates a rendezvous point in the Vuser script.
lr_rendezvous_exSets a rendezvous point in a Vuser script.
lr_resume_transactionResumes the collection of transaction data.
lr_resume_transaction_instanceResumes collecting transaction instance data.
lr_save_datetimeSaves the date and time into a parameter.
lr_save_intSaves an integer to a parameter.
lr_save_searched_stringSearches for an occurrence of a string in a buffer and saves a portion of the buffer after that string to a parameter
lr_save_stringSaves a null-terminated string as a parameter.
lr_save_varSaves a variable length string as a parameter.
lr_set_debug_messageSets a message class for output messages.
lr_set_transactionCreate a transaction manually.
lr_set_transaction_instance_statusSets the status of a transaction instance.
lr_set_transaction_instance_statusSets the status of a transaction instance.
lr_set_transaction_statusSets the status of open transactions.
lr_set_transaction_status_by_nameSets the status of a transaction by its name.
lr_start_transactionMarks the start of a transaction and measures the response time of a transaction
lr_start_transaction_instanceMarks the beginning of a transaction instance
lr_start_sub_transactionMarks the beginning of a sub-transaction.
lr_stop_transactionHalts the collection of transaction data.
lr_stop_transaction_instanceStops collecting data for a transaction instance specified by its handle.
lr_think_timePauses execution between commands in a script.
lr_user_data_pointRecords a user-defined data sample.
lr_user_data_point_exRecords a user-defined data sample.
lr_user_data_point_instanceRecords a user-defined data sample and correlates it to a transaction instance.
lr_user_data_point_instance_exRecords a user-defined data sample and correlates it to a transaction instance.
lr_vuser_status_messageSends a message to the Vuser status area in the Controller.
lr_wasted_timeRemoves wasted time from all open transactions.
lr_whoamiReturns information about a Vuser executing the script

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